\n {{ data.line_1 }},
\n {{ data.line_2 }},
\n {{ data.town }},
\n {{ data.post_town }},
\n {{ data.county }},
\n {{ data.postcode }}
Legal fees | \n£${selected_quote.total} | \n|
VAT | \n£${selected_quote.vat} | \n|
Estimate Total | \n£${selected_quote.total + selected_quote.vat} | \n
Conveyancer | \n${selected_quote.firm} | \n|
${selected_quote.email} | \n
${fee.label} | £${fee.value} |
Total | £${s.total} |
';\n string += ` ${s.address.line_1},
`;\n if (s.address.line_2) {\n string += `${s.address.line_2},
`;\n }\n if (s.address.town) {\n string += `${s.address.town},
`;\n }\n if (s.address.post_town) {\n string += `${s.address.post_town},
`;\n }\n if (s.address.county) {\n string += `${s.address.county},
`;\n }\n string += `${s.address.postcode}
`;\n string += '
';\n string += 'Price
';\n string += `£${s.price}`;\n string += '
';\n string += 'Tenure
';\n string += `£${s.tenure}`;\n string += '
';\n string += 'New
';\n if (s.new === true) {\n string += 'YES';\n }\n if (s.new === false) {\n string += 'NO';\n }\n string += '
';\n string += 'Help-to-Buy
';\n if (s.htb === true) {\n string += 'YES';\n }\n if (s.htb === false) {\n string += 'NO';\n }\n string += '
';\n string += 'Mortgage
';\n if (s.mortgage === true) {\n string += `YES ${s.mortgage_lender ? ` - ${s.mortgage_lender}` : ''}`;\n }\n if (s.mortgage === false) {\n string += 'NO';\n }\n string += '
';\n string += 'Mortgage
';\n if (s.estate_agent === true) {\n string += `YES ${s.estate_agent_name ? ` - ${s.estate_agent_name}` : ''}`;\n }\n if (s.estate_agent === false) {\n string += 'NO';\n }\n string += '
${fee.label} | £${fee.value} |
Total | £${s.total} |
${[\n title\n ]} | `;\n string += `
Sellers | \n${form.sellers.map(s => `${s.first_name} ${s.last_name} ${s.email ? ` - ${s.email}` : ''} ${s.phone ? ` - ${s.phone}` : ''} ${s.address ? ` - ${this.formatAddress(s.address)}` : ''} `).join(' ')} | \n
Buyers | \n${form.buyers.map(s => `${s.first_name} ${s.last_name} ${s.email ? ` - ${s.email}` : ''} ${s.phone ? ` - ${s.phone}` : ''} ${s.address ? ` - ${this.formatAddress(s.address)}` : ''}`).join(' ')} | \n
Sale Estimate | \nTransaction Details | \n|
\n ${this.formatFeeItems(item.sale_fees)}\n | \n\n ${this.saleTransactionDetails(quoteDetails)}\n | \n
Purchase Estimate | \nTransaction Details | \n|
\n ${this.formatFeeItems(item.purchase_fees)}\n | \n\n ${this.purchaseTransactionDetails(quoteDetails)}\n | \n
Sale of ${form.sale_address.line_1}, ${form.sale_address.postcode} | \n|
Is the property mortgaged? | \n${form.sale_mortgage} | \n
Who is the mortgage lender? | \n${form.sale_mortgage_lender} | \n
What is the total amount of outstanding mortgage debt secured against the property? | \n£${form.sale_mortgage_outstand} | \n
Is the property being sold through an estate agent? | \n${form.sale_estate_agent} | \n
What is the name / address of the estate agent? | \n${form.sale_estate_agent_address.line_1} ${form.sale_estate_agent_address.postcode} | \n
Is there a particular person dealing with the sale at the agency? | \n${form.sale_estate_agent_contact_person} | \n
What is the contact number of the estate agent? | \n${form.sale_estate_agent_contact_number} | \n
Is there an email address for the estate agency? | \n${form.sale_estate_agent_contact_email} | \n
Notes | \n${form.sale_notes} | \n
Purchase of ${form.purchase_address.line_1}, ${form.purchase_address.postcode} | \n|
How much money are you providing toward the purchase of the property? | \n${form.purchase_deposit_preliminary} | \n
Is there a set completion deadline? | \n${form.purchase_completion_date} | \n
What is the completion deadline? | \n${form.purchase_completion_date_date} | \n
Is a mortgage being obtained on the property? | \n${form.purchase_mortgage} | \n
Who is mortgage lender? | \n${form.purchase_mortgage_lender} | \n
How much will you be borrowing? | \n${form.purchase_mortgage_outstand} | \n
Are you purchasing the property through an estate agent? | \n${form.purchase_estate_agent} | \n
What is the name / address of the estate agent? | \n${form.purchase_estate_agent_address.line_1} ${form.purchase_estate_agent_address.postcode} | \n
Is there a particular person dealing with the sale at the agency? | \n${form.purchase_estate_agent_contact_person} | \n
What is the contact number of the estate agent? | \n${form.purchase_estate_agent_contact_number} | \n
Is there an email address for the estate agency? | \n${form.purchase_estate_agent_contact_email} | \n
Notes | \n${form.purchase_notes} | \n
${x.label} | £${x.value} |
Total | £${fees.reduce((partialSum, a) => partialSum + a.value, 0)} |
Transaction Type | Sale Property |
Postcode | ${quoteDetails.sale_address.postcode} |
Value | £${quoteDetails.sale_price} |
Tenure | ${quoteDetails.sale_tenure} |
Existing Mortgage | ${quoteDetails.sale_mortgage ? 'Yes' : 'No'} |
Lender | ${quoteDetails.sale_mortgage_lender} |
Transaction Type | Purchase Property |
Postcode | ${quoteDetails.purchase_address.postcode} |
Value | £${quoteDetails.purchase_price} |
Tenure | ${quoteDetails.purchase_tenure} |
Existing Mortgage | ${quoteDetails.purchase_mortgage ? 'Yes' : 'No'} |
Lender | ${quoteDetails.purchase_mortgage_lender} |
';\n string += ' When purchasing a property, your Conveyancing Search Pack includes a Personal Local Authority Search, Regulated Private Drainage and Water Search and Environmental Search. ';\n string += 'Dependent on the area in which you are purchasing your property, other recommended searches may be required, but this will be advised by your conveyancer. ';\n string += 'In the event of a transaction not completing, the conveyancer agrees to offer a “no completion no fee” service and not charge the client any conveyancing legal fees for the abortive transaction. Where subsequent transactions do not complete for the same client, it is at the conveyancer\\'s discretion whether to offer “no completion no fee” service for those transactions. This clause does not include refunding amounts paid for disbursements. ';\n string += 'If any additional work is required as a result of a request from your lender or due to the geographical location of the property in question (which could not have been foreseen at the time of providing an illustration) then this work will be discussed with you and quoted for by the firm. ';\n string += 'The price for the legal work assumes that this will not prove to be substantially more complex than would normally be expected on a residential sale, purchase or remortgage. If for example there are defects in title or other significant problems of a time-consuming nature, your chosen solicitor or licensed conveyancer, will inform you in writing of the estimated cost of this additional work with a view to agreeing an amended charge with you. ';\n string += 'Some mortgage lenders will insist upon a full official Local Authority Search for conveyancing transactions, which may also result in additional fees or charges. ';\n string += 'Land Registry Fees are calculated and quoted as online submission to HMLR. If this solicitor or conveyancer is unable to perform online submission to HMLR OR this is a first registration for the property, then additional fees will apply. ';\n string += 'In such cases you will be informed in writing of the additional costs by your chosen solicitor or licensed conveyancer. ';\n string += 'All solicitors or licensed conveyancers who provide illustrations and quotations through The Conveyancing Index Website have signed a contract with iPlace Global Ltd to commit to providing the highest levels of service and transparent illustrations. ';\n string += 'We will not be liable to any user for any loss or damage, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, even if foreseeable, arising under or in connection with: use of, or inability to use, our site; use of or reliance on any content displayed on our site; or use of the services or goods of any advertiser on our site. ';\n string += 'iPlace Global Ltd will ensure that any referral they make will be to an independent professional from whom you will receive impartial and confidential advice. We charge partner firms either a per lead fee or a flat referral fee for our promotion and marketing services. ';\n string += 'iPlace Global Ltd Limited, its officers, directors, employees, affiliates and agents, are indemnified by you from and against any claims, actions or demands, including without limitation reasonable legal and accounting fees, alleging or resulting from your use of the Material or your breach of these Terms and Conditions. ';\n string += ' |
Legal Fees | \nVAT | \nEstimate Total | \n
£{{item.total.toFixed(0)}} | \n£{{item.vat.toFixed(0)}} | \n£{{(item.total+item.vat).toFixed(0)}} | \n
{{fee.label}} | \n£{{fee.value}} | \n
{{fee.label}} | \n£{{fee.value}} | \n
Legal Fees | \n£{{item.total}} | \n
VAT | \n£{{item.vat}} | \n
Estimate Total | \n£{{item.total+item.vat}} | \n
By selecting 'yes' written instructions will be sent to the solicitors.
\nYour details have been passed to the conveyance in company, they will contact you over the next few days with the next steps.